Why Sierra Leone?

After suffering a brutal civil war it was lowest on the UN’s Human Development Index. In 2014 a devastating ebola outbreak spread throughout the country. Today, it is the most dangerous place to give birth and still has one of the highest under 5 mortality rates. Despite extreme poverty, Sierra Leone is a beautiful country with resilient, strong people. We chose to focus on one region, hoping that over time we would see a lasting impact of real, sustainable change.


Water is a necessity for each of us, but for too many it is difficult to access and potentially fatal. 1,800 children die daily from water related illness. For even one life lost - a reality we have come to know all to well since day one - this is not ok.


There is something we can do. When each of us finds a way to give, a well is drilled in a community in Sierra Leone by all local, trained staff. Our community efforts combined help provide daily clean water.


When you choose to give, you empower our Sierra Leonean well-maintenance team to partner with each village where a Hope Rising Together well exists. This ensures the sustainable flow of clean water daily, empowered by local people.


In Sierra Leone the cycle of poverty leaves children most vulnerable. Malnutrition, lack of clean water, abuse, hard labor, and difficult living conditions plague young lives with little opportunity for school or hope for a better future without a break in the cycle.


There is something we can do. Our national team steps in to assess a vulnerable child’s need/situation. Based on this, a child is placed in full time care, housing for vulnerable girls, and/or in our school, hope rising academy (nursery through high school).


When you sponsor a child or staff member you provide healthcare, daily nutrition, education (at our school Hope Rising Academy), access to clean water, and encouragement with regular connection! The cycle of poverty is broken and paves the way for future change.



After ebola devastated Sierra Leone, the country struggled with only 80 doctors. They currently have the world’s highest maternal death rate (women not surviving childbirth) and a great need to protect and prevent the under-five population from illness and death. This is where our new Hope Rising Health Center comes in, to begin to meet the problem where the need is great.



Our farming programs not only provide a needed community resource, they help us empower and employ specialized staff to oversee the development of their community and local economy. Additionally, our agriculture programs overlap into our school curriculum, empowering students toward practical skills.



We believe in lasting, sustainable change and one of our values is empowerment. With over 50 Sierra Leonean employees, a partnership-based method of ensuring our wells are always flowing, and a major investment in upcoming generations, our programs are carried forward by the very people we hope to come alongside.



One Drop Buffalo is a movement of Buffalo businesses & people committed to transforming impoverished and marginalized communities, families, and people. Hope Rising Together knew from the beginning we could not do any of this alone. It’s people like you who would make all the difference. Many drops make a mighty ocean. We need your partnership.



An African proverb says “Many drops make a mighty ocean” and we couldn't agree more! You, our volunteers, are the key to what we do and the reason Hope Rising Together (formerly Let Them LOL) is possible. Start today!